Thu 16. Jan 2025 16:33 - not logged in
Add medical definitions
Add names of diseases, injuries and treatments. In the field "alternative names" you can add alternative names of the disease, separated by commas (to make it easier for other people to find). Feel free to change definitions already on the list if you know they are incorrect. Everything should be in English.
The "Locations" field is used if the disease can occur in different parts of the body. For instance, pneumonia occurs only in the lungs, so no need to specify where, but cysts can occur both in internal organs and in different body parts. If the disease can occur in body parts (like legs, ears), write K in the "Locations" field. If it occurs in organs, write O. In the skeleton, write S. If the disease occurs in several types of locations, write the different letters separated with a space. For instance, for cysts we would write K O to signify that it occurs both in body parts and in organs (but not in bones). If users adds "cysts" to the list of diseases for a particular ferret, they will get to drop down lists, one with body parts and one with organs to select from.
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