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10852 Nostrofuretti Scarlett of E-Pic's Ferrets : Miisa

Pedigree name: Nostrofuretti Scarlett of E-Pic's Ferrets
Registered by: Lisa Hyöky
Sex: tispe
Mother: Nostrofuretti Stella ( Stella )
Father: Nostrofuretti Lacoste ( Lacoste )
Country: Finland
Colour: sable
Eye colour: black
Pattern: none
Fur type: short haired
Wild ferret/polecat: 6.25%
Neutered: not neutered
Born: 8/5/2012
Died: 7/9/2020
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Half siblings

Name Pedigree name Common parent Registered by
no name Nostrofuretti Bagesz Nostrofuretti Lacoste Maja Conc
no name Nostrofuretti Bon-bon Nostrofuretti Lacoste Lisa Hyöky


Name Pedigree name Father Registered by
Gormen E-Pic's Gormenghast Pickpocket's Slytherin - Lisa Hyöky
Ronja E-Pic's Night Angel Pickpocket's Slytherin - Emeliina Kaukolinna
Navi E-Pic's Name of the Wind Pickpocket's Slytherin - Emeliina Kaukolinna
Morrigan E-Pic's Black Sun Rising Pickpocket's Slytherin - Emeliina Kaukolinna
Muusa E-Pic's Dance With Dragons Pickpocket's Slytherin - Emeliina Kaukolinna
Akseenia E-Pic's Dust of Dreams Pickpocket's Slytherin - Emeliina Kaukolinna
Esme E-Pic's Fires of Heaven Pickpocket's Slytherin - Emeliina Kaukolinna
Piki E-Pic's Memories of Ice Pickpocket's Slytherin - Emeliina Kaukolinna
Gormen E-Pic's Gormenghast Pickpocket's Slytherin - Emeliina Kaukolinna
Aatu E-Pic's Wise Man's Fear Pickpocket's Slytherin - Emeliina Kaukolinna
Esme E-Pic's Fires of Heaven Pickpocket's Slytherin - Lisa Hyöky