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17854 Leawoods Gaston at Banditos of Blairadam : Gaston

Pedigree name: Leawoods Gaston at Banditos of Blairadam
Owned by: StephShaw
Sex: hanne
Mother: Naturellement Ponyta ( Sabre )
Father: Infiny Ferret Jackpot ( Saxon )
Country: United kingdom
Colour: chocolate
Eye colour: black
Pattern: none
Fur type: full angora
Wild ferret/polecat: 1.07421875%
Neutered: not neutered
Born: 3/5/2017
Breeder: Leawoods Ferretry


Full siblings

Name Pedigree name Registered by
Wispa Leawoods Belle Rebecca Lea
Cadenza Leawoods Cadenza Lauren McCarter
Lumiere Leawoods Lumiere Rebecca Lea

Half siblings

Name Pedigree name Common parent Registered by
Draco Leawoods Draco Infiny Ferret Jackpot Rebecca Lea
Smaug Leawoods Smaug Infiny Ferret Jackpot Rebecca Lea
Cordelia Leawoods Cordelia Infiny Ferret Jackpot Rebecca Lea
Saphira Leawoods Saphira Infiny Ferret Jackpot Rebecca Lea
Katla Leawoods Katla Infiny Ferret Jackpot Rebecca Lea
Wyatt Leawoods Wyatt Naturellement Ponyta Rebecca Lea
Blake Leawoods Blake Naturellement Ponyta Rebecca Lea
Calder Leawoods Calder Naturellement Ponyta Rebecca Lea
Canaletto Leawoods Canaletto Naturellement Ponyta Rebecca Lea
Akasha Leawoods Akasha Infiny Ferret Jackpot Rebecca Lea
Snake Bite Leawoods Marius Infiny Ferret Jackpot Clare Goddard and Shannon Goddard
Merrick Leawoods Merrick Infiny Ferret Jackpot Rebecca Lea
Santino Leawoods Santino Infiny Ferret Jackpot Rebecca Lea
Nicolas Leawoods Nicolas Infiny Ferret Jackpot Rebecca Lea


Name Pedigree name Mother Registered by
Thatcher Banditos of Blairadam: Margaret Thatcher Morningstar Giza at Banditos of Blairadam - StephShaw
Baldwin Banditos of Blairadam: Stanley Baldwin Morningstar Giza at Banditos of Blairadam - StephShaw
Major Banditos of Blairadam: John Major Morningstar Giza at Banditos of Blairadam - StephShaw
Cameron Banditos of Blairadam: David Cameron Morningstar Giza at Banditos of Blairadam - StephShaw
Blair Banditos of Blairadam: Tony Blair Morningstar Giza at Banditos of Blairadam - StephShaw
Brown Banditos of Blairadam: Gordon Brown Morningstar Giza at Banditos of Blairadam - StephShaw
Churchill Banditos of Blairadam: Winston Churchill Morningstar Giza at Banditos of Blairadam - StephShaw
C&G - Morningstar Giza at Banditos of Blairadam - StephShaw