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1855 Black Amber Alexander the Great : Alexander

Pedigree name: Black Amber Alexander the Great
Owned by: Aija Kouhi
Sex: hanne
Mother: Black Amber Zlata ( Zlata )
Father: Jimmy
Country: Finland
Colour: champagne
Eye colour: black
Pattern: none
Fur type: short haired
Wild ferret/polecat: 0.0%
Neutered: not neutered
Born: 10/8/2006
Died: 13/11/2013
[ more ... ]
Breeder: Aljona
Microchip id number: 428098100002942
Suprelorin implant 12/2010


Full siblings

Name Pedigree name Registered by
Aura - Heleri Haiba
no name Black Amber Blanca Aljona
Nellija Black Amber Bluebird Aljona
Bono Black Amber Bono Aljona
Jegor Black Amber Benjamin Juliana
no name Black Amber Big Boss Aljona
no name Black Amber Burton Aljona
no name Black Amber Bluesman Aljona
no name Black Amber Beatle Aljona

Half siblings

Name Pedigree name Common parent Registered by
Munis - Jimmy Aljona
Lisa - Jimmy Aljona
Reeksne - Jimmy Jone Smilgeviciute
Sibilla - Jimmy Aljona
no name Magic Silver Patti Jimmy Diana Mägi
Askold Black Amber Askold Black Amber Zlata Aljona
Ufo - Black Amber Zlata Aljona
Mustafa - Black Amber Zlata Aljona
Yo-Yo Black Amber Zlatenish Black Amber Zlata Jone Smilgeviciute
Mikijs - Black Amber Zlata Aljona
Baiba - Black Amber Zlata Aljona
Latte Black Amber Latte Black Amber Zlata Heleri Haiba
Simona - Black Amber Zlata Aljona
Febe - Black Amber Zlata Aljona
Nika - Black Amber Zlata Aljona
Debora - Black Amber Zlata Aljona
Shkurka - Black Amber Zlata Aljona
no name Black Amber Latte Black Amber Zlata Christina Steensbro
Julius Valgetuhkur Julius Jimmy Lisa Hyöky


Name Pedigree name Mother Registered by
Nala ACH's Fire Leela - Aija Kouhi
Ice ACH's Ice Leela - IlderfrydOpdræt
Vanilla ACH's Mayo Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Miina ACH's Sastre Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
X - Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Konsta ACH's Contador Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Urpo ACH's Evans Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
August ACH's Moreau Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Miska ACH's Rasmussen Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
no name ACH's Valverde Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Ninja Frettikolon Humupekka Tilda-Maria von Hillerdorf - KatjaM
Puru Frettikolon Jazztyttö Tilda-Maria von Hillerdorf - KatjaM
no name Frettikolon Pustan Poika Tilda-Maria von Hillerdorf - KatjaM
Lamia ACH's Lamia Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Atomos ACH's Atomos Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
no name ACH's Bahamut Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Feri ACH's Fenrir Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Aaron ACH's Ifrit Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
no name ACH's Leviathan Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
x - Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Mysti ACH's Mystique Leela - Aija Kouhi
Versjaka ACH's Phoenix Leela - Jone Smilgeviciute
Pena ACH's Nightcrawler Leela - Aija Kouhi
no name ACH's Juggernaut Leela - Aija Kouhi
no name ACH's Sabretooth Leela - Aija Kouhi
no name ACH's Pyro Leela - Aija Kouhi
Hugo ACH's Colossus Leela - Aija Kouhi
no name ACH's Iceman Leela - Aija Kouhi
X - Leela - Aija Kouhi
Ava ACH's Avaritia Näätälän Tiikeri - Aija Kouhi
Indi ACH's Invidia Näätälän Tiikeri - Aija Kouhi
Ronja ACH's Superbia Näätälän Tiikeri - Aija Kouhi
Luna ACH's Luxuria Näätälän Tiikeri - Aija Kouhi
Tarmo ACH's Acedia Näätälän Tiikeri - Aija Kouhi
Sisu ACH's Gula Näätälän Tiikeri - Aija Kouhi
Bliss Pickpocket's Bliss N' Joy Rapunzel van Bunch-of-colors - Lisa Hyöky
Brownie Pickpocket's Brownie Rapunzel van Bunch-of-colors - Lisa Hyöky
Tosca Pickpocket's Baltic Breeze Rapunzel van Bunch-of-colors - Lisa Hyöky
Snö Pickpocket's Bittersweet Rapunzel van Bunch-of-colors - Lisa Hyöky
Gaia Pickpocket's Bamboozle Rapunzel van Bunch-of-colors - Lisa Hyöky
Tatti Pickpocket's Buzzy Babbler Rapunzel van Bunch-of-colors - Lisa Hyöky
Riivanhenki Pickpocket's Beady Betsy Rapunzel van Bunch-of-colors - Lisa Hyöky
Ismo Pickpocket's Buccaneer Rapunzel van Bunch-of-colors - Lisa Hyöky
Anima Pickpocket's Barbarian Rapunzel van Bunch-of-colors - Lisa Hyöky
Bobi Pickpocket's Blitzkrieg Bob Rapunzel van Bunch-of-colors - Lisa Hyöky
Tengu Pickpocket's Beefcake Rapunzel van Bunch-of-colors - Lisa Hyöky
Sissi ACH's Barsine Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Hanna Heinonen
Kookos ACH's Parysatis Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Lenni ACH's Perdiccas Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Hanna Heinonen
Mocca ACH's Ptolemy I Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Ralli ACH's Alexander IV Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Herkku ACH's Heracles Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Iglu ACH's Hephaestion Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi
Roxu ACH's Roxana Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets - Aija Kouhi