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20924 Rose's Ferretry Rocket : FatBoy (Hoppy)

Pedigree name: Rose's Ferretry Rocket
Owned by: Susan Cheah
Sex: hanne
Mother: Margotine du Mezenc of Rose's Ferretry ( Margie )
Father: Ficus des Furets Thiby of Rose's Ferretry ( Ficus )
Country: United kingdom
Colour: champagne
Pattern: none
Fur type: short haired
Wild ferret/polecat: 0.48828125%
Neutered: not neutered
Born: 11/5/2018
Died: 4/1/2022
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Breeder: Rose's Ferretry


Full siblings

Name Pedigree name Registered by
Nebula Rose's Ferretry Nebula Lucy Rose
Gamora Rose's Ferretry Gamora Lucy Rose
StarLord Rose's Ferretry StarLord Lucy Rose
Groot Rose's Ferretry Groot Lucy Rose
Drax Rose's Ferretry Drax Lucy Rose
Yondu Rose's Ferretry Yondu Lucy Rose

Half siblings

Name Pedigree name Common parent Registered by
Phoebe Rose's Ferretry Phoebe Margotine du Mezenc of Rose's Ferretry Lucy Rose
Rachel Rose's Ferretry Rachel Margotine du Mezenc of Rose's Ferretry Lucy Rose
Monica Rose's Ferretry Monica Margotine du Mezenc of Rose's Ferretry Lucy Rose
Ross Rose's Ferretry Ross Margotine du Mezenc of Rose's Ferretry Lucy Rose
Chandler Rose's Ferretry Chandler Margotine du Mezenc of Rose's Ferretry Lucy Rose
Joey Rose's Ferretry Joey Margotine du Mezenc of Rose's Ferretry Lucy Rose
Ada Edelweiss Margotine du Mezenc of Rose's Ferretry Kiera Clapton
Nellie Cornélie Margotine du Mezenc of Rose's Ferretry Kiera Clapton