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2782 Larome from Angelcastle : Larome

Pedigree name: Larome from Angelcastle
Registered by: Aija Kouhi
Sex: hanne
Mother: Silver from Angelcastel ( Silver )
Father: Odin from Angelcastle ( Odin )
Country: Germany
Colour: silver
Eye colour: black
Pattern: mitt
Fur type: short haired
Wild ferret/polecat: 0.0%
Born: 1/3/2004
Died: 2010
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Half longhaired


Full siblings

Name Pedigree name Registered by
Lin Lin Angelcastle Aurélia

Half siblings

Name Pedigree name Common parent Registered by
Blade Blade from Angelcastel Silver from Angelcastel Susan Eriksson
Némo Némo from Wildcat's Ferrets Odin from Angelcastle Fannywildcat
Sonic Sonic from Wildcat's Ferrets Odin from Angelcastle Fannywildcat
Dory Dory from Wildcat's Ferrets Odin from Angelcastle Tazoune
Darla Darla from Wildcat's Ferrets Odin from Angelcastle Fannywildcat
Peach Peach from Wildcat's Ferrets Odin from Angelcastle Fannywildcat
Ficelle Ficelle from Wildcat's Ferrets Odin from Angelcastle Fannywildcat
Lagoa Lagoa from Wildcat's Ferrets Odin from Angelcastle Fannywildcat
Titoone Titoone from Wildcat's Ferrets Odin from Angelcastle Fannywildcat
Uzo Uzo from Angelcastle Odin from Angelcastle Tazoune
Uranus Uranus from Angelcastle Odin from Angelcastle Fannywildcat
Wangai Lilly Wangai Lilly from Anglecastle Odin from Angelcastle Cilleborgs Ferrets


Name Pedigree name Mother Registered by
Uringa Uringa of the Looney-Ferrets Queeny von der Jägersleut - Aija Kouhi