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29650 Mustela Borealis' Irresistible Kira : Kira

Pedigree name: Mustela Borealis' Irresistible Kira
Registered by: Maria Krane
Sex: tispe
Mother: Mustela Borealis' Giratina ( Amy )
Father: Milkyways Shape of My Heart ( Björne )
Country: Norway
Colour: sable
Eye colour: black
Pattern: none
Fur type: short haired
Wild ferret/polecat: 46.8017578125%
Born: 7/4/2021
Breeder: Mustela Borealis
Microchip id number: 578094100121222


Full siblings

Name Pedigree name Registered by
Parzival Mustela Borealis' Invincible Parzival Maria Krane
Luffy Mustela Borealis' Inspiring Anorak Maria Krane
Bosse Mustela Borealis' Invaluable Og Maria Krane
Artemis Mustela Borealis' Incredible Artemis Maria Krane
Osma Mustela Borealis' Immaculate Aech HeliLevanen

Half siblings

Name Pedigree name Common parent Registered by
no name Crazy Diamond's Alpha Milkyways Shape of My Heart Amelie Munther
no name Crazy Diamond's Greybeard Milkyways Shape of My Heart Amelie Munther
Chiefen Crazy Diamond's Silverback Milkyways Shape of My Heart Maria Krane
no name Crazy Diamond's Timber 'Vessla' Milkyways Shape of My Heart Anette Hillbiörn
no name Crazy Diamond's Tundra Milkyways Shape of My Heart Amelie Munther
no name Crazy Diamond's Midnight Milkyways Shape of My Heart Amelie Munther