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35457 Kaan of Syberian Monsters : Kaan

Pedigree name: Kaan of Syberian Monsters
Registered by: Syberian Monsters
Sex: hanne
Mother: Nashi of Syberian Monsters ( Nashi )
Father: Nauru of Syberian Monsters ( Nauru )
Country: Poland
Colour: silver
Eye colour: blue
Pattern: mitt
Fur type: long haired
Wild ferret/polecat: 2.1484375%
Neutered: not neutered
Born: 18/4/2023
Breeder: Syberian Monsters


Full siblings

Name Pedigree name Registered by
Varisa Verisa of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Shinari Shinari of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Hazumi Hazumi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Kyiora Kyiora of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Furai Furai of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Demio Damio of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Xedos Xedos of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Taiki Taiki of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Sassou Sassou of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters

Half siblings

Name Pedigree name Common parent Registered by
Pecorino Pecorino of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Cheddar Cheddar of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Mozzarella Mozzarella of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Ricotta Ricotta of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Feta Feta of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Brie Brie of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Sushi Sushi of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Kimchi Kimchi of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Harira Harira of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Mousaka Mousaka of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Pilav Pilav of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Ramen Ramen of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Pesto Pesto of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Kulfi Kulfi of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Raiden Raiden of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Zyia Ziya of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Orel Orel of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Lior Lior of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Lux Lux of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
Säde Säde of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
BELLA Inej of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
ORKAN Kaz of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Elif
MAKINI Nikolai of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters pawel_zietek
JESPER Jesper of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters Syberian Monsters
TAMU Wylan of Syberian Monsters Nashi of Syberian Monsters pawel_zietek