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3698 Sun-yellow Spiral Dance : Wicca

Pedigree name: Sun-yellow Spiral Dance
Owned by: Lisa Hyöky
Sex: tispe
Mother: Sun-yellow Detti ( Detti )
Father: Sun-yellow Dönci ( Dönci )
Country: Finland
Colour: champagne
Eye colour: black
Pattern: none
Fur type: short haired
Wild ferret/polecat: 0.0%
Neutered: not neutered
Born: 16/4/2008
Died: 8/8/2014
[ more ... ]
Breeder: Sun-yellow Ferretry


Full siblings

Name Pedigree name Registered by
Fanni Sun-yellow Fanni Sun-yellow
Hópehely Sun-yellow Hópehely Sun-yellow

Half siblings

Name Pedigree name Common parent Registered by
Tyyne Zlaty Topaz Yvaine Sun-yellow Dönci KatjaM
Mortti Morphling Zlatı topáz Sun-yellow Dönci Aija Kouhi


Name Pedigree name Father Registered by
Titi Pickpocket's Spellbound Valgetuhkur Julius - Lisa Hyöky
Houdini Pickpocket's Problem Child Valgetuhkur Julius - Lisa Hyöky
Tora Pickpocket's Breaking the Rules Valgetuhkur Julius - Lisa Hyöky
Mimi Pickpocket's Soul Stripper Valgetuhkur Julius - Lisa Hyöky
Papu Pickpocket's Girls got Rhythm Valgetuhkur Julius - Lisa Hyöky
Freddie Pickpocket's Can't Stand Still Valgetuhkur Julius - Lisa Hyöky
Boogie Pickpocket's Bad Boy Boogie Valgetuhkur Julius - Lisa Hyöky
Leo Pickpocket's Little Lover Valgetuhkur Julius - Lisa Hyöky
Neo Pickpocket's Shake a Leg Valgetuhkur Julius - Lisa Hyöky
Miska Pickpocket's Supergiant Myth Buster of Pickpocket's ferrets - Lisa Hyöky
Dara Pickpocket's Milky Way Myth Buster of Pickpocket's ferrets - Emeliina Kaukolinna
Uppu Pickpocket's Moon Rock Myth Buster of Pickpocket's ferrets - Lisa Hyöky
Alma Pickpocket's Stardust Myth Buster of Pickpocket's ferrets - Lisa Hyöky
Sointu Pickpocket's Spiral Galaxy Myth Buster of Pickpocket's ferrets - Lisa Hyöky