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6289 Ferret City Chocolate Starlight of Pickpocket's ferrets : Kiril

Pedigree name: Ferret City Chocolate Starlight of Pickpocket's ferrets
Owned by: Lisa Hyöky
Sex: hanne
Mother: Sharmani from Ferret City
Father: Choco Boy
Country: Finland
Colour: champagne
Eye colour: black
Pattern: none
Fur type: short haired
Wild ferret/polecat: 0.0%
Neutered: not neutered
Born: 28/3/2009
Died: 20/3/2015
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Half siblings

Name Pedigree name Common parent Registered by
Aleksa Amarena Nero Glucosa Choco Boy Lisa Hyöky


Name Pedigree name Mother Registered by
CANDY VALGETUHKUR CANDY Black Amber Latte - Erika Ek
Robin Pickpocket's Cookie Dough Pickpocket's Milky Way - Lisa Hyöky
Töpö Pickpokcet's New York Super Fudge Cunk Pickpocket's Milky Way - Lisa Hyöky
Wilma Pickpocket's Vanilla Caramel Fudge Pickpocket's Milky Way - Lisa Hyöky
Ronja Pickpokcet's Jamaican Me Crazy Pickpocket's Milky Way - Lisa Hyöky
Chew Pickpocket's Caramel Chew Chew Pickpocket's Milky Way - Lisa Hyöky
Nukka Pickpocket's Fairly Nuts Pickpocket's Milky Way - Lisa Hyöky
Nipsu Pickpocket's Flipped Out! Pickpocket's Milky Way - Lisa Hyöky
Taavi Pickpocket's Chunky Monkey Pickpocket's Milky Way - Lisa Hyöky