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7179 Fee Vichura Ferrett Passion*PL : Fifi

Pedigree name: Fee Vichura Ferrett Passion*PL
Owned by: Ferretta Passion*PL
Sex: tispe
Mother: Sky Sobotka Farm*PL ( Sky )
Father: Cosmo Belli & Monelli ( Cosmo )
Country: Poland
Colour: sable
Eye colour: brown
Pattern: mitt
Fur type: long haired
Wild ferret/polecat: 0.0%
Neutered: not neutered
Born: 23/5/2009
Died: 26/11/2015
[ more ... ]
Breeder: Ferretta Passion*PL
Ferret club registered number 985 121 017 335 818
Microchip id number: 985 121 017 335 818
Disposition: ferret club registration number: 985 121 017 335 818 Associazione Italiana Furetti FURETTOMANIA


Full siblings

Name Pedigree name Registered by
Burza Burza Ferretta Passion*PL Ferretta Passion*PL
Silver Sztorm Ferretta Passion*PL Ferretta Passion*PL

Half siblings

Name Pedigree name Common parent Registered by
Azura Azura mali psotni rycerze Cosmo Belli & Monelli Syberian Monsters
Tasman Demon of Syberian Monsters Cosmo Belli & Monelli bubblefuzzy
Dafne Dafne of Syberian Mosnters Cosmo Belli & Monelli Syberian Monsters
Dixi Dixi of Syberian Mosnters Cosmo Belli & Monelli Syberian Monsters
Dukat Dukat of Syberian Mosnters Cosmo Belli & Monelli Syberian Monsters
Koles Magic of Syberian Monsters Cosmo Belli & Monelli Syberian Monsters
Viper Mysterious Angel of Syberian Monsters Cosmo Belli & Monelli Syberian Monsters
Master Master of Syberian Mosnters Cosmo Belli & Monelli Syberian Monsters