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9727 UFF's Fiero : Fiero

Pedigree name: UFF's Fiero
Registered by: Frisky Business Ferretry
Sex: hanne
Mother: Legacy of Ferrets*NL ( Nova )
Father: Da bomb Silverfret*NL
Colour: sable
Eye colour: black
Pattern: mitt
Fur type: full angora
Wild ferret/polecat: 0.0%
Neutered: not neutered
Web page:


Full siblings

Name Pedigree name Registered by
Ebano - Davey Peskett

Half siblings

Name Pedigree name Common parent Registered by
no name Flower Silverfret Da bomb Silverfret*NL John
Ebony United Ferretry-Principessa Ebony B Da bomb Silverfret*NL Fenella Smolders


Name Pedigree name Mother Registered by
Bastian Frisky Business Ferretry's Bastian RAF's Woohoo She's Mine - Frisky Business Ferretry
Earl Frisky Business Ferretry's Earl Grey of PVO Frisky Business Ferretry OMG She's Violet - PVOFerrets
Dandelion Frisky Business Ferretry's Dandelion Frisky Business Ferretry Rana - Clare Goddard and Shannon Goddard
Burdock Frisky Business Ferretry's Caterpillar Frisky Business Ferretry Rana - Clare Goddard and Shannon Goddard
Falkor Frisky Business Ferretry's Falkor RAF's Woohoo She's Mine - Frisky Business Ferretry
Atreyu - RAF's Woohoo She's Mine - Lydia Armstrong
Mage Frisky Business Ferretry's Mage unknown - DookCityFerretery
Bubblegum Frisky Business Ferretry's Princess Bubblegum Frisky Business Ferretry Firestar - DookCityFerretery
Ebony Frisky Business Ferretry's Marceline Frisky Business Ferretry Firestar - Frisky Business Ferretry
Maleficent Frisky Business Ferretry's Flame Princess Frisky Business Ferretry Firestar - Lauren Victoria Brown
Cha Cha FBFs Cheetara Frisky Business Ferretry OMG She's Violet - topnotch
Mordecai FBFs Mordecai RAF's Trinity Goodheart - topnotch
Wesker FBF Resident Evils Wesker RAF's Silky Smooth - MiddleEarthFerretry
Venom Frisky Business Ferretry Hennessey Venom Frisky Business Ferretry Ruffles - Frisky Business Ferretry
Ascari Frisky Business Ferretry Ascari Frisky Business Ferretry Ruffles - Joely Mitchell
Heaven Frisky Business Ferretry Heaven Hill Frisky Business Ferretry Cynder - Frisky Business Ferretry
Rebel Frisky Business Ferretry Rebel Yell Frisky Business Ferretry Cynder - Rebecca Turner
Gumball Frisky Business Ferretry Gumball Frisky Business Ferretry Casseopia - DookCityFerretery
Anais Frisky Business Ferretry Anais Frisky Business Ferretry Casseopia - Bobbie
Masami Frisky Business Ferretry Masami Frisky Business Ferretry Casseopia - Frisky Business Ferretry
Razzles Frisky Business Ferretry's Razzle Dazzle Frisky Business Ferretry Ruffles - Frisky Business Ferretry
Nootie Newt Frisky Business Ferrety's Newt Frisky Business Ferretry Medusa - Frisky Business Ferretry
Grey Goose Frisky Business Ferretry's Grey Goose Frisky Business Ferretry Medusa - Clare Goddard and Shannon Goddard
Mamba Frisky Business Ferrety's Black Mamba DDF Squib - Frisky Business Ferretry
Falra Frisky Business Ferrety's Falra DDF Sparkler - Frisky Business Ferretry
Atta Frisky Business Ferretry's Atta Frisky Business Ferretry VW Bug - Frisky Business Ferretry
maddy fbf madara DDF Sparkler - seabreezesferretry
no name Skor Devon Dreams Ferretry Sparkler - Joely Mitchell
Diggle ARROW'S diggle DDF Squib - Sandra Brown
nyssa fbf nyssa DDF Squib - seabreezesferretry
Gecko Frisky Business Ferretry's Gecko of Rose's Ferretry Frisky Business Ferretry Medusa - Lucy Rose
Bobo Frisky Business Ferrety's Boa Frisky Business Ferretry Medusa - Gillian Cuthbert
Polar Frisky Business Ferretry's Polar DDF Sparkler - Jessica Grint
Koba FBF Koba DDF Sparkler - Rebecca Turner
Darwin Frisky Business Ferretry's Darwin FBF's Starshine Chara - Frisky Business Ferretry
Felicity FBF Felicity DDF Squib - Elizabeth