Alice Mitchell (CornwallCountyFerrets)
Username: | CornwallCountyFerrets |
Full name | Alice Mitchell |
Residence: | Cornwall |
Country: | United kingdom |
Web site: | |
CornwallCountyFerrets has registered as a breeder
Name of ferretry: | Cornwall County Ferrets |
Startup year: | 2015 |
Description: | Hobby breeder of angora ferrets. |
Alice Mitchell owns 45 ferrets.
CornwallCountyFerrets is the breeder of 37 ferrets.
Alice Mitchell has registered 15 other ferrets.
Albino mother | UFF's Emmett : Emmett | Gizi |
Htest | Lili | Maci |
Pako | Rozi | Rozsdas |
Terre d Oru Rubis : Rubis | Cornwall County Ferrets Robin : Sausage | Bajnok Sierra : Sierra |
Silver father | Testhob | Testhob1 |