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Flowerfield Ferretry (Flowerfield)

Username: Flowerfield
Full name Flowerfield Ferretry
Country: United kingdom

Flowerfield has registered as a breeder

Name of ferretry: Flowerfield Ferretry
Startup year: 2016

Flowerfield Ferretry owns 19 ferrets.

Flowerfield Bumblebee : Bumble LFF's Cloud : Cloud Flowerfield Bandicoot : Coot
Flowerfield Cruise : Cruise LFF's Darklis : Darklis Domino Moon's Honey Bee : Honey
Hadland Heirs HRH Kate : Kate London Frisky Business Ferretry's Magic : Magic
Flowerfield Baloo : Manny Hadland Heirs Mousey Moo : Mouse LFF'S Nox : Nox
Hadland Heirs Peanut : Nutty RAF's Phoenix : Phoenix Exquisite ferrets : Rolo
DDF Sparkler : Sparkler LFF's Sunny : Sunny Fangtastic ferret: Umbra : Umbra
Domino moon's Wildfire : Wildfire

Flowerfield is the breeder of 6 ferrets.

Flowerfield Bagheera : Bagheera Flowerfield Butterfly : Bean Flowerfield Cabbage : Cabbage
Flowerfield Bandicoot : Coot Flowerfield Cruise : Cruise Flowerfield Brave : Julius Caesar

Flowerfield Ferretry has registered 9 other ferrets.

Flowerfield Cabbage : Cabbage Goldie AngelicFerrets Angel Elemiah : Hamiah
Flowerfield Brave : Julius Caesar Lea's Magic Phoebe
Pearcing Sky Ferretry's Carnelian : Skye Wizard Angelic Ferret's Bilbo :