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Furry Ferrets (FurryFerrets)

Username: FurryFerrets
Full name Furry Ferrets
Residence: Madrid
Country: Spain
Web site: https://www.facebook.com/inusfurryferrets

FurryFerrets has registered as a breeder

Name of ferretry: Furry Ferrets*SPA
Startup year: 2016
Description: Small ferretry located in Spain.
Goal: Our goal is to produce healthy long living ferrets, trying to preserve the angora gene. We only work with one lineage, so at home we only have one litter per year.

Furry Ferrets owns 9 ferrets.

Furry Ferrets Velkhana : Annie Boo de L'Aire : Boo Roz Ferrets Freya : Freya
Furry Ferrets Tigrex : Gandalf Fairoak’s Hotshot : Hotshot Furry Ferrets Buñuelo : Rhaegal
Roz Ferrets Sencha : Sencha Furry Ferrets Sif : Sif Furry Ferrets Thunderstruck : Sköll

FurryFerrets is the breeder of 38 ferrets.

Furry Ferrets Feta : Abba Furry Ferrets Africa : Africa Furry Ferrets Velkhana : Annie
Furry Ferrets Titanium : Baymax Furry Ferrets Björn : Björn Furry Ferrets Campurriana : Campurriana
Furry Ferrets Cheddar : Cheddar Furry Ferrets Mazapán : Deku Furry Ferrets Edam : Edam
Fiona : Fiona Furry Ferrets Tigrex : Gandalf Furry Ferrets Horchata : Horchata
Furry Ferrets Blackened : Kenzo Furry Ferrets Heimdall : Logan Furry Ferrets Merengue : Merengue
Furry Ferrets Brie : Milan Furry Ferrets Natilla : Natilla Furry Ferrets Mozzarella : Nina
Furry Ferrets Zinogre : Phoenix Furry Ferrets Polvorón : Polvorón Furry Ferrets Cuajada : Prada
Furry Ferrets Quark : Quark Furry Ferrets Raclette : Raclette Furry Ferrets Ragnarok : Ragnarok
Furry Ferrets Buñuelo : Rhaegal Furry Ferrets Thriller : Rocket Furry Ferrets Pestiño : Rocket
Furry Ferrets Rosquilla : Rosquilla Furry Ferrets Roxanne : Roxanne Furry Ferrets Astrid : Runa
Furry Ferrets Sif : Sif Furry Ferrets Sigyn : Sigyn Furry Ferrets Skadi : Skadi
Furry Ferrets Thunderstruck : Sköll Furry Ferrets Lunastra : Sookie Furry Ferrets Nergigante : Völlmond
Furry Ferrets Legiana : Xayah Furry Ferrets Fenris :

Furry Ferrets has registered 355 other ferrets.

Furry Ferrets Feta : Abba Roz Ferrets Abby : Abby Afelia
Furry Ferrets Africa : Africa Albi Albino
Albino Albino SH 1 Alvin von den Darkmoon Ferrets
AngelCastle Xara Angie von den Nordseefrettchen Angoraferretry Boogoo
Angoraferretry Lady Winx Angoraferretry Mojito Angoraferretry Nicole
House of Ferrets Applejack : AppleJack Asashi Athena
Temptation Ferret Audrey : Audrey Temptation Ferret Ava : Ava Roz Ferrets Baddy : Baddy
Bajnok Anjouan Bajnok Ferretry Laasha Furry Ferrets Titanium : Baymax
Roz Ferrets Bekky : Bekky Bengamin from Siberian Athines Ona Furets Bentley : Bentley
Temptation Ferret Mia : Bhangra Bharani from Strawberry Ferrets Bimbo Blanchedalmond von Herzogshof
Black Black Angora Black from Ganderkesee
Gummysweet Kibo : Black Ren Blink Boira
MorningStar Ferrets Bronx : Bronx Buffy Bunch of Colors Lissaro
Rocknroll Burning Love : Burning Love Calcetines Furry Ferrets Campurriana : Campurriana
Capuccino Cara Carla
Cham Cham father Cham mother
Champagne Champagne Jill Champagne Jill daughter
Champagne SA Chantal's Frettchenclub Yve Chantal's Frettenclub Savanna
Temptation Ferret Chaplin : Chaplin Chaplin von den Darkmoon Ferrets Charming
Furry Ferrets Cheddar : Cheddar Chorizo Chorizo grandad
Chorizo grandma Chorizo mom Chuma from Brilliant Ferrets
Churro Cinder Circe
Roz Ferrets Conguito : Conguito Congxrun Cuni
Cupido von Wilden Fraggels Cupido von Wilden Fraggels Daisy
Roz Ferrets Dalila : Dalila Damon Dana
Darchien Nathan Dark sable Dark sable SH
Furry Ferrets Mazapán : Deku Dixy Ona Furets Draven : Draven
Dribble Dribble´s daughter Dulça
Dulça Dutzermühle Chaya Dutzermühle Freddy
Dutzermühle Trude Ebby von den Frettchennasen Furry Ferrets Edam : Edam
Elfy Ranek de Furets de Brocéliande : Entei Ezhevika from Kingdom of Elves
Favourire Ferret Berberry Sweet Favourite Ferret Zlato Nicole Feenwald Ferret: Mr. Bombastic
Felicitas von Wilden Fraggels Ferret Person Forest Gamp Ferrets for Life Esmeralda
Fiona Franchuaza Gabriella from Kingdom of Elves Frean da Carballeira Blue
Frean da Carballeira Doux Péchè Fretamine's Charlie Brown Fretamine's Morella
Frettchenbande Belarus Red Furet Ardennais Black Dream Furets Ardennais Azzaro
Féerie Gabi Ferret Majestik Gandalf
George Golden Ferret Changa Golden Ferret Evra
Golden Ferret Fler de Lis Golden Ferret Nerium Golden Ferret Prestige
Harland Heather Glen from SNFs Hera
Heraldika from Ferrets Legend Herzogshof Black Out Herzogshof Nero
Hexe Holly Hoots
Furry Ferrets Horchata : Horchata Ona Furets Hummer : Hummer Hyp js
hypothetic MW Hzg Luna Hzg Mücke
Igor India from The Hinks Dream Infiniti
Ingely from Strawberry Ferrets Iris Dolce Pecatto Be Cool : Joltik
Joy von den Frettchennasen Angoraferrety Mister X : Keinyel Furry Ferrets Blackened : Kenzo
Kobolde von Rothenburg: Braden Kodi Kurro
Kys Layla Layla
León Lion King Bunch of Colors J'adore : Lizzy
Furry Ferrets Heimdall : Logan Moasiri Ferrets Anduril : Loki Lola
Lola Lola Lola
Lollipop Lolo Lolo father
Lolo grandfather Lolo mother Lols
Lolz Love Harbor Aiko Lucky Life : Love Me Tender
Lunita Lupin Machote
Nuri from Strawberry Ferrets : Magic in the Air Spike von den Purpurnen Flüssen : Marvel Ona Furets McLaren : McLaren
Medianoche Elektra Ona Furets Mercury : Mercury Furry Ferrets Merengue : Merengue
Merida Mia Midnidht Ferret Europa
Angoraferretry Mikados Mojito : Mikados Mojito Mikado´s Yanaba Furry Ferrets Brie : Milan
Mintaka Misses Brisby Moka
Monik Morning Star Eagle Ona Furets Mustang : Mustang
Muster´s NIK Nacho Nala
Nala Nanami Nano
Narnia from Mystic Ferrets Rock'n'roll ferrets Naussica : Naussica Neg
Neg father Neg mother Wagga Wagga Japan Sencha : Nellie
Neverland Bora Bora Next Generation Beau Nicky
Temptation Ferret Nidalee : Nidalee Furry Ferrets Mozzarella : Nina Pyrene Ferrets Nirvana : Nirvana
Orion Olimpias Suriname : Ororo Storm Osnami
Pan Pan father Pan mother
Payman von den Worldfrettchen Petra Pharaon Ramzes from Kingdom of Elves
Furry Ferrets Zinogre : Phoenix Pina von den Purpurnen Flüssen Pluto
Polkadot Polkadot hob Polkadot1
Furry Ferrets Polvorón : Polvorón Poppy Pototitas Haku
Pototitas Sakura Furry Ferrets Cuajada : Prada Pretty Fretty Kara
NineFerrets Psyche : Psyche PX Merlin from The Kingdom of Elves Furry Ferrets Quark : Quark
Queeny von den Purpurnen Flüssen Furry Ferrets Raclette : Raclette Furry Ferrets Ragnarok : Ragnarok
Nigra Stella von den Raubzwergen : Rammstein Rayden Real M
Real M. Rey León Robin Hood
Rocco Rock n' Roll Haarlem Furry Ferrets Thriller : Rocket
Furry Ferrets Pestiño : Rocket RocknRoll Bollito Rose
Furry Ferrets Roxanne : Roxanne Roz Ferrets Amber Roz Ferrets Mina
Ruben's Cinamon Ruben's Generation 1 Ruben's Generation 4
Ruben's Gremlin Ruben's Harn Ruben's Jack
Ruben's Tino Furry Ferrets Astrid : Runa Russian Ferret Hamlet
de L'Aire : S/N S/N s/n
Sable ango Sable arlequin Sable Arlequin Angora
Sable bib SH Sable Blaze SA Sable Blaze SA
Sable Panda Angora Sable SA Sable SA
Sable sa Sable Working Jill Sammy Jo
Samy Sancho Shalimar from Amazing Grace
Morningstar Fada : Shambhala Shocking Beauty Shyva
FousFurets Querida : Sia Furry Ferrets Sigyn : Sigyn Silver
Silver Silver 1 Silverfret Cacao
Silverstar Alise Silverstar Forest Gump Silverstar Mauricius
Silverstar Ronda Snorebokken Frettchenbande Snowie : Snowie
Solar Kits Black Snake Solar Kits Jardin Gold Solar Kits Schusta
Solembum Rhum from SNFs Furry Ferrets Lunastra : Sookie Spanish Wild Polecat
Special Ferrets Azeemah Special Ferrets Denny Stripped White
SUBNRF20060025 SUBNRF20060026 Sundance
Sunny Ferrets Jukio Sweet Laguna Sora Sweet Muffin
Tanagra son Tarka Tarka's dad
Tarka's Mom Temujin Ona Furets Tesla : Tesla
Solar Kits Valet : Tibbers Pyrene Mufasa : Totoro Trésor
Unknown Unknown Vaan
Vagh{ar Vaghâr Valley of Ferrets: Betsy Bee
Ibiza RockFerrets Venus : Venus Vesnushka from Amareno Nero Vickie
Dolce Peccato's Sweet Violette : Violette Furry Ferrets Nergigante : Völlmond Waldfrettchen Molly
Waldfrettchen Sandy Waldfrettchen Vinny Wild polecat
December from Temptation Ferret : Winter Savory Working dark sable SH Furry Ferrets Legiana : Xayah
Yoshi Yup js Yuuki from Freaky Darkside
FunnyPet Manny : Zekrom Zeus Zeus
Zuko Zuko´s father Zuko´s mother
no name no name no name
no name no name no name
no name no name no name
no name no name Waldfrettchen SEAL :
Bunch of Colours CRESCENDO : Bunch of Colours CRESCENDO : Pretty Fretty CONTANGO :
Furry Ferrets Fenris :