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Username: Greylupus
Full name -----
Residence: Budapest
Country: Hungary
Web site:

Greylupus has registered as a breeder

Name of ferretry: Thronos Rokke Ferretry
Startup year: 2007
Description: I founded my ferretry in 2007. I had our first litter in the spring, 2008. I would like to breed only standard and dark/black sable ferrets mainly with dark nose. I don’t want to breed other coloured, patterned and haired ferrets and I am not planning to do it in the future either.
Goal: Amending Hungarian ferrets with wellknown, chipped, healthy and good-nervous ferrets, who can be pets and working ferrets also. Helping and informing the future ferret owners. Saving the original sable colour and pattern.

Greylupus owns 16 ferrets.

Thronos Rokke Amira : Amira Diamond Ring Chili : Chili Thronos Rokke Crying Wolf : Co-Co
Cry Elena from Ferret City : Elena Thronos Rokke Beauty of Darkness : Goldie
Thronos Rokke Be So Crazy : Grizzli Kalissa from Ferret City : Kalissa Thronos Rokke Luigi : Luigi
Thronos Rokke Matyi : Matyi Diamond Ring Morgan : Morgi Malenkoe Chudo Otrada Iz Russkoy Skazki : Otrada
White Fang Calendula : Pandora Milkyways Magic Devil Foreigner : Ragnar Nostrofuretti Raven : Raven
Thronos Rokke Szmore : Szmorci

Greylupus is the breeder of 15 ferrets.

Thronos Rokke Atreyu : Albert Thronos Rokke Amira : Amira Thronos Rokke Amor : Amor
Thronos Rokke Better Than Love : Benga Thronos Rokke Cloudy Night : Bija Thronos Rokke Call of The Wild : Bogyo
Thronos Rokke Crying Wolf : Co-Co Thronos Rokke Born To Be Wild : Fekete Sarkany Thronos Rokke Between Hell and Heaven : Frankie
Thronos Rokke Beauty of Darkness : Goldie Thronos Rokke Be So Crazy : Grizzli Thronos Rokke Carpe Diem : Koda
Thronos Rokke Aubrey : Oliver Thronos Rokke Bestial Face of Beauty : Troy Thronos Rokke Bestial Face of Beauty: Troy : Troy

Greylupus has registered 50 other ferrets.

Thronos Rokke Atreyu : Albert Arti Mennydorgo Barna : Barna
Bende : Bende Thronos Rokke Call of The Wild : Bogyo Butyok
Diamond Ring Charlie : Charlie Cry's father Cry's mother
Debi : Debi Dendi : Dendi Diamond Ring Diamond : Diamond
Dunya Pushkinskaya from Ferret city : Dunya Dömper : Dömper Emese : Emese
European Polecat HUN 2011 Malenkoe Chudo Faeton Iz Russkoy Skazki : Faeton Russian ferret 3203 gold : Faeton father
Russian ferret 3840 gold : Faeton mother Thronos Rokke Born To Be Wild : Fekete Sarkany Thronos Rokke Between Hell and Heaven : Frankie
Id. Szotyi : Id. Szotyi Diamond Ring Jenci : Jenci Katana from Ferret city : Katana
Thronos Rokke Carpe Diem : Koda Nostrofuretti Levendula : Levendula Lujza
Mao Mashka from Ferret city : Mashka Mefodyi van Alen from Ferret city : Mefodyi
Diamond Ring Negro : Negro Diamond Ring Noir : Noir Nóci : Nóci
Thronos Rokke Aubrey : Oliver Palychka from Ferret city : Palychka Diamond Ring Pite : Pite
Rulu Russian ferret SUBRRF-14031103 : Russian ferreet Russian ferret SUBRRF-14031102 : Russian ferret
Russian ferret SUBRRF-14031106 : Russian ferret Russian ferret SUBRRF-14031107 : Russian ferret Russian ferret SUBRRF-14031104 : Russian ferret
Russian ferret SUBRRF-14031105 : Russian ferret Russian ferret 2165 gold : Russian ferret Russian ferret 2918 gold : Russian ferret
Russian ferret 2173 gold : Russian ferret Russian ferret 2854 gold : Russian ferret Samurai from Ferret city : Samurai
Diamond Ring Shadow : Shadow Thronos Rokke Bestial Face of Beauty : Troy