Thu 13. Feb 2025 21:15 - not logged in

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Monica nilsen (Infinitys)

Username: Infinitys
Full name Monica nilsen
Residence: Solbergelva
Country: Norway
Web site:

Infinitys has registered as a breeder

Name of ferretry: Infinity``s
Startup year: 2005
Description: Vi er et lite oppdrett som vi har på hobby basis.Vi driver med oppdrett av ildere pga at vi vil være med og forbedre dems levetid og linjer.
Goal: Infinity`s mål å bringe til live friske og sunne valper med best mulig blodlinjer og gemytt. Jeg håper at dette med tid og stunder vil føre til lengre leve alder og mindre sykdommer på disse herlige dyrene. Er det noe du lurer på så ta kontakt på eller 94298985

Monica nilsen owns 14 ferrets.

Mandys Pippin : Pippin Mandys Angel : Angel Artistic`s May It Be : Bagera
Tusenæss Baloo : Baloo Elvin Lasse Liten Diablo : Lasse
Sir Stonhaven`s Lomax : Lomax Artistic` Flying High Kichea : Lucky Mistary`s Mia : Mia
Piippo Ingen : Pluggen HM Schantie Cilleborg : Schantie
Wild polecat Wild polecat

Infinitys is the breeder of 37 ferrets.

Infinity`s Alvin : Alvin Infinity`s Miss Amalie Summercought Sherfield of Gallahead : Amalie Infinity`s Amber : Amber
Infinity`s Caelyn : Amy Luna Infinity`s Angel : Angel Infinity` Ariel : Ariel
Infinity`s Cora : Atani Infinity`s miss Alana Summercought Sherfield of Gallahead : Buffy Infinity`s Calida : Calida
Infinity`s Calista : Calista Infinity`s Dabria : Dabria Infinity`s Dalila : Dalila
Infinity`s Emir : Diego Infinity`s Drina : Dina Infinity`s Dorinda : Dorinda
Infinity`s Einherjer : Einherjer Infinity`s Eloso : Eloso Infinity`s Fanta : Fanta
Infinity`s Felix : Felix Infinity`s Fenris : Fenris Infinity`s Fia : Fia
Infinity`s Chesna : Flor Infinity`s Sir James Leonard Summercought Sherfield of Gallahead : Leonard Infinity`s Fiona : Lucie
Infinity`s Carly : Luna Infinity`s Sir Muffin Summercought Sherfield of Gallahead : Muffin Infinity`s Sir Odin Summercought Sherfield of Gallahead : Odin
Infinity's Condon : Pondus Infinity`s Erin : Riuri Infinity`s Sir Romeo Summercought Sherfield of Gallahead : Romeo
Infiny Ferret Jackpot : Saxon Infinity`s Devlin : Solan Infinity`s Ezio : Stumpen
Infinity`s Destinee : Tequila Infinity`s Felina : Zelda Infinity's Cavan : Zerox
Infinity`s Fiffi :

Monica nilsen has registered 36 other ferrets.

Infinity`s Miss Amalie Summercought Sherfield of Gallahead : Amalie Infinity`s Angel : Angel Infinity` Ariel : Ariel
Blacky Infinity`s miss Alana Summercought Sherfield of Gallahead : Buffy coko : coko
Infinity`s Dabria : Dabria Infinity`s Dalila : Dalila Infinity`s Emir : Diego
Infinity`s Dorinda : Dorinda Infinity`s Einherjer : Einherjer Infinity`s Eloso : Eloso
Eva Infinity`s Fanta : Fanta Infinity`s Felix : Felix
Infinity`s Fia : Fia Jan Jess
Jim Johny Infinity`s Fiona : Lucie
Madge Matt Molly
moses Moses Infinity`s Sir Muffin Summercought Sherfield of Gallahead : Muffin
Nipper Infinity`s Sir Odin Summercought Sherfield of Gallahead : Odin Infinity`s Erin : Riuri
Infinity`s Sir Romeo Summercought Sherfield of Gallahead : Romeo Infinity`s Devlin : Solan Stumpie
Tommy Infinity`s Felina : Zelda Infinity`s Fiffi :