Fri 06. Dec 2024 02:43 - not logged in

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Username: SMaxwell
Full name -----
Residence: West Yorkshire
Country: United kingdom

SMaxwell owns 26 ferrets.

Anakin Skywalker Fangtastic ferrets Autumn : Autumn Boba Fett
Fangtastic Ferrets: chewbacca : chewbacca Fangtastic.Ferrets:Oak : Ewok Ecchi : Fangtastic Ferrets: ecchi
DDF Aerin : foxglove Jackson : Jacks Disney Villains ByWYF Jafar : Jafar
WVF: Hansolo castrated 16/01/19 : Johnny Fangtastic ferret: Brandy snaps : Little Fluff DDF Amii : little Miss PomPom
Sherwood Forest Ferretry's Duffy : Nova Hilda By WYF : Olivia Fangtastic ferret: Bourbon cream : Onyx
DM primrose : primrose Rio Fangtastic ferret: Viennese Whirls : Sapphire
Summer of Stelyn : Summer Vladimir the impaler Fangtastic ferret: Moon Light :
Fangtastic.ferrets:Sunray : no name no name
no name no name

SMaxwell has registered 10 other ferrets.

Fangtastic Ferrets Orion : Orion Princess Leia Fangtastic ferret: Edward Teach :
Fangtastic ferret: Black Bart : WVF: Allana : WVF: Kiera swan :
WVF: Lando calrissian : WVF: Luke Skywalker : WVF: Mace Windu :
WVF: Ben Obi-wan kenobi :