Thu 13. Feb 2025 17:51 - not logged in

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Domowa hodowla fretek Fret Fitcion (fretfiction)

Username: fretfiction
Full name Domowa hodowla fretek Fret Fitcion
Residence: Warsaw
Country: Poland
Web site:

fretfiction has registered as a breeder

Name of ferretry: Fret Fiction
Startup year: 2014

Domowa hodowla fretek Fret Fitcion owns 3 ferrets.

Fuks od Fret Fiction : Fuks Versus : Versus Fretci Klubicko Angel Castle : Yashica from Angelcastle

fretfiction is the breeder of 19 ferrets.

Dżaba od Fret Fiction : Dżaba Daisy od Fret Fiction : Daisy Darsy od Fret Fiction : Darsy
Dexi od Fret Fiction : Dexi Drops od Fret Fiction : Drops Dyzio od Fret Fiction : Dyzio
Dziunia od Fret Fiction : Dziunia Falcon od Fret Fiction : Falcon del Fuoco Farcik od Fret Fiction : Farcik
Fenomen od Fret Fiction : Fenomen of Exploration Flara od Fret Fiction : Flara Flip od Fret Fiction : Flip
Frodo od Fret Fiction : Frodo Frugo od Fret Fiction : Frugo Radar od Fret Fiction : Radar
Rampsey od Fret Ficiton : Rampsey Rilla od Fret Ficiton : Rilla Roman Romanov od Fret Fiction : Roman Romanov

Domowa hodowla fretek Fret Fitcion has registered 5 other ferrets.

Gen 30 Gen 31 Herzogshof : Hidalgo vom Herzogshof
Bunch of Colors : Sheridan Test Versus Galaxy