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Douchka Brouet (twilight-polecats)

Username: twilight-polecats
Full name Douchka Brouet
Country: France
Web site: http://twilight-polecats-ferretry.com

twilight-polecats has registered as a breeder

Name of ferretry: Twilight Polecats
Startup year: 2013
Description: Amateur breeding facility (only 1 or 2 litters per year at the moment), located in France. Our ferrets are fed whole preys and kept in natural light. Short haired and white-marking-free lineages only.
Goal: Breeding ferrets who combine the health and beauty of the European polecats with a sweet, easy disposition

Douchka Brouet owns 9 ferrets.

Mighty Angus of Twilight Polecats : Angus Bandit J'Elinor of Twilight Polecats : Elinor
Bajnok Ferretry : Luciana Cyro de la Furetière : Midona of Twilight Polecats : Oural/Snoop
Mellow Pandore of Twilight Polecats : Pandore Pichu J'Pookie of Twilight Polecats : Pookie

twilight-polecats is the breeder of 9 ferrets.

Mighty Angus of Twilight Polecats : Angus J'Elinor of Twilight Polecats : Elinor Ydrasil of Twilight Polecats : Gus
J'Krokmou of Twilight Polecats : Krokmou of Twilight Polecats : Obélix of Twilight Polecats of Twilight Polecats : Oural/Snoop
Mellow Pandore of Twilight Polecats : Pandore Ocamy of Twilight Polecats : Penny J'Pookie of Twilight Polecats : Pookie

Douchka Brouet has registered 7 other ferrets.

Balou Chocolat J'Krokmou of Twilight Polecats : Krokmou
Le Gros Obi Wan de la Planète Naboo : Obi wan of Twilight Polecats : Obélix of Twilight Polecats
Fou Furieux Furet Furibard : Yémen